•  28/05/2023 03:00 PM

[zero-AI-text] ______ Many management methods fail on the fundamental efficiency challenge. A new management methodology - Efficient Resource Flow Alignment © (ERFA) - is proposed, introduced, and practiced by DEXENTRI Consulting to help companies of any industry and size by optimizing the FLOWS of money and work THROUGH THEIR BUSINESS ORGANIZATION. This article gives a brief outline for a plan of efficiency-focused transformation using Efficient Resource Flow Alignment © (ERFA).

5 min read
  •  19/05/2023 12:12 PM

[zero-AI-text] ______ The “law of corporate relaxation” makes any organization behave like a living organism: eating as much and moving as little as possible. To counter this problem, an organizational development approach has been developed and proposed - “Efficient Resource Flow Alignment” © ERFA methodology. © ERFA previews operating any organization by just 5 Flow Domains, each headed by one responsible Head of Domain with final authority on spending money and accepting delivery - Flow Domains “Finance”, “Market”, "Product", “Technology” and “Human”. Their interaction is based on 1:1 “money vs. delivery” contracts and closes any loophole for the organization to hide overconsumption of resources and under-delivery of value in the jungle of complexity of business processes.

4 min read
  •  12/05/2023 03:30 PM

[texte-zéro-AI] __ L'efficacité est souvent oubliée dans la quête du "prochain grand mot à la mode" ou de la capitalisation boursière. Toute organisation, comme un organisme vivant, a une tendance naturelle à manger plus et à faire moins - c'est la loi de "relaxation d'entreprise", qui conduit à "brûler de l'argent à petite flamme". Les chefs d'entreprise et les gestionnaires diligents qui veulent contrer le "relaxation de l'entreprise" ont besoin d'outils pour imposer une vision correcte de l'efficacité, forçant les organisations à fonctionner en dépensant moins pour produire plus de valeur. Ce n'est qu'en (re)mettant l'efficacité sur le trône parmi tous les concepts commerciaux que les entreprises pourront surfer sur les vagues de l'innovation, réussir les initiatives de transformation stratégique, réaliser des progrès durables vers des objectifs nobles en matière de responsabilité écologique et sociale et fonctionner sainement dans une perspective à court et à moyen terme.

11 min read
  •  12/05/2023 03:30 PM

[zero-AI-text] ______ Efficiency often gets forgotten in the chase of a “next big buzz-word thing” or market capitalization. Any organization, like a living organism, has a natural inclination to eat more and do less - it is the law of “corporate relaxation”, leading to “low flame money burning”. Business owners and diligent managers who want to counter the “corporate relaxation” need tools to impose correct view of efficiency, forcing organizations to operate spending less to produce more value. Only by (re)establishing Efficiency on the throne among all business concepts companies can ride the waves of innovation, succeed in strategic transformation initiatives, achieve sustainable progress towards noble ecological and social responsibility goals and operate healthily in short-term and mid-term perspective.

7 min read